Saturday, 7 December 2013

How is Regional Identity portrayed in the Doc Martin clip?

In the classic Doc Martin clip, regional identity is connoted to the audience in a variety of different ways. The stereotypical idea that we are given is that people from the city are better educated and are seen as cleverer, and those from rural, countryside areas are not.

Doc Martin is highly educated doctor, who started off as a brilliant and successful vascular surgeon at Imperial College London, but developed a fear of blood, forcing him to stop practising surgery. He then obtains a post as the (GP) in the quite Cornish village.
The way in which he is conveyed to the audience is that he is seen as of a higher status then the rest of the village and is connoted as more educated and has a lot of power. The audience also gains the impression that he is of a higher status than the other characters within the village due to the mise-en-scene used. Throughout the clip, Doc Martin wears a formal, sophisticated suit which gives the viewer the suggestion that he is seen as different compared to the other characters casual dress attire, but that he is of a much higher status and business proud.

At the beginning of the opening scene, as he enters the room, a diagetic music is played fro around 3-4 seconds. By doing so, it gives the impression that he is the central focus and is seen as the most important character and therefore, because of his high-class achievements, he is portrayed as more respectable and so the audience learn this through the use of diagteic music. The non diagetic music used is a simple, yet effective use of a grand piano and symbols, which suggest that Doc, as a character, is a formal and classic character. The music stops as he begins to speak, conveying that he obtains the power and status in this clip and also suggests that when he speaks- everyone else should listen (including the audience)
The vast use of non-diagetic dialogue during this scene shows us how stressful the situation is. Diagetic music is not needed because they want the audience to understand the chaotic situation to make it feel more realistic. The way in which Doc shouts at the other 3 characters in this scene to put them all too use conveys the urgency of the scenario, which also portrays that is one of the only characters that has common sense. This relates back to the initial idea that those from the city, that are well educated, are cleaver, connoting that Doc has simple common sense because of where he is from, whilst all of the other characters that are from that current region don't have any- showing a lack of education. The way in which he orders the characters also asserts his dominance by the fact that he knows what to do and can simply order them around because they are dense.

Once Doc enters the room, the camera pans around from behind the son on the floor-revealing him to the audience. As we see him, he is stood up and they are sat down conveying that he is superior compared to them because they are doing manual work, and he is seen as having a white collar profession. The fact that the other 2 characters are sat lower down than him suggests that they have no power compared to him because they are seen as less-educated due to the profession that they have in comparison to him. 

When the stray dog enters the room at the ending of that scene, the camera uses an eye-line match so that the audience can see what he is looking directly at so that it also involves us. Due to him begin stressed and not wanting this stray dog here, as he walks towards the dog to grab it, non-diagtic music is added too create a more tense and suspenseful atmosphere for the audience. The camera also walks towards the dog in the eye-line match focus to make us feel like we are walking towards it as well.

From scene to scene, jump cuts are clearly used too connote a jerky flow to each scene for the audience so that they can clearly see what is happening but also the stress of the situation. The jump cuts are mainly used when Doc is tacking the dog through the town to the police station to show his lack of interest of the scenery and his stressful determination to dispose of the dog.

When the father character, who is sat on the chair makes the sink pipe burst water everywhere, Doc intervenes and begins to help conveying that he is a multi-purpose character and shows more use than the lazy father who does nothing. Mid shots are used when Doc is stopping to leak to show the audience fully what he is doing and the emotion he is expressing at this point.

During the clip, we are introduced to a father and son combination that have a manual working job and we see them at the beginning of the scene when the camera pans around from the floor too reveal them. The camera uses a low angle shot when the son is speaking on the floor to Doc to convey the social class difference between his manual job and Martins white collar profession. This also conveys the status difference between the two by the camera angle connoting the difference of respect due to the regional differences between the two.

The father of the son is stereotypically fat and rather lazy for a middle-aged plumber and constantly eats throughout the whole water disaster as well. This conveys that country people are lazy and all have stereotypical jobs such as farming, pluming and corner shop owning. Yet, the son is conveyed as diverting the stereotype of country people being less educated when he quotes Daphne Du Maurier to Doc Martin. Daphene Du Maurier was a famous English author and playwrite and by the son quoting her makes the audience re-consider their views on him. All of the plumbing work is done by the son, as the audience see a variety of mid-shots and high angle shots on the son trying too fix the damage that his dad tried too do whilst eating. This conveys that he is more switched on than we first thought and diverts from the original stereotype, yet his dad conforms exactly to it,  On the other hand, the father still knows nothing, which makes him appear un-educated as well.

Throughout the scene, the characters mise-en-scene costume is the typical blue, dirty overalls that plumbers wear fully portraying to the viewer their known profession. During the office scene, the father and son are in a darker lighting at the beginning of the scene whilst Doc is in a more brighter, natural light connoting the level of importance difference.

The use of diagetic dialogue for these two characters fully demonstrates their regional identity by the use of their strong Cornish accent, conveying to the audience the regional identity difference between their accents and Doc's.

During the ending of the scene, we are introduced to a female character, but this time, even though she is from the village herself, she is conveyed as more educated and higher class due to the mise-en-scene used to connote her personality.
Throughout her few short scenes, she is seen too us as wearing a sophisticated velvet blazer and vintage clothing giving the impression that she is of a higher class than the rest of the villagers and appears to have quite a lot of money.

Even though she has never properly met Doc Martin, she appears quite flirtatious towards him by grabbing his wrist too see the time, when in theory you would never comfortably touch someone you haven't properly met before. She begins to deviate him into making him write her a prescription on the spot, but shows her educational prospectus when she quotes the 'Hippocratic oath' connote to him that she does understand that it is wrong. 

Overall, the way in which regional identity is presented throughout the clip is that those from a country background appear less educated, have manual professions and are rather lazy, yet when we have a proper incite into their life, we can see that they do not all conform to the original stereotype. And those from a city background are more educated, have a white collar profession and are seen as superior to those that do not conform to their moral.

1 comment:

  1. WWW- clear understanding of the purpose of the extract and the way class and status is portrayed; good use of camera angles and sound.
    EBI- insight ( spelling)
    Diegetic and non-diegetic - diegetic is in the scene and non-diegetic is not in the scene; you are mixing these up, so please learn the correct terms.
